Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Very First Blog Post

I was basically dragged, kicking and screaming, into the world of online social networking by my work.  I absolutely despised message boards, had no interest in Facebook, didn't want to tweet, and I didn't like the sound of blogging (the word itself brings to mind, perhaps, the sound of involuntary bodily functions).


We were talking at work today about different ways to reach parents of children with disabilities, to help them with their children's educational planning, and I suggested creating an online page where parents could go and ask questions.  I suggested this.  Me.

Next thing you know, I got myself a blog.

So this is how it's going to work:  I'm going to write about topics related to disability and the education of children with disabilities - or whatever topic happens to come to mind - and you can feel free to comment or ask questions or tell me I'm wrong (in which case I'm sure we'll have a lively and friendly debate about it).

So stay tuned and join in the conversation.  Hey, if I can do this social networking thing, so can you.

Welcome, new friend, to "Dear Ghee."


Suzie said...

Dear Ghee,

Welcome to the world of social networking. Give yourself a little time, and you will be looking forward to checking in with your new "friends" here!

I will be checking in to participate in the upcoming "lively and friendly" debates. :)

JackieTSS said...

I know what you mean about Facebook and Twitter!!! Blogging is much more my style... I hope you like it too!

Unknown said...

Hi Ghee! Looking forward to hearing your wisdom and enjoying your sense of humor! :)